Scenic Route

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sexuality & Romanticism

How true is the male stereotype? Though I am aware sex "can" be a primary impulse, society emphasizes that it's a man's only motive. Anything else they may think would be a 'lie' because what they really want is sex. Period. Since most of my friends are guys, I've learned that that's a falsity. Romanticism differs between men and women. Society upholds that romanticizing simply entails lovey-dovey things like The Notebook, Valentines, flowers, and 'love-making' by candlelight. But real romanticism is attaching a particular attachment to anything. It could be smoking a cigarette by the railroad tracks on a crisp autumn night, drinking coffee and conversing with someone you've never met before, or feeling the music of a particular band as it pulses through you and the crowd; uniting the diversified group through song and dance. It could also be staring into your significant others eyes, tasting the flesh of their lip, or wistfully hoping after someone. But, men tend to romanticize passions first, and love second. Women tend to romanticize love first, and passions second.

Tend is a lenience, it doesn't apply to everybody. Of course there will be deviations. What I'm saying applies to the general audience. In theory.

When women think about sex, it tends to be flowery and romantic. It's lustful too, but the predominant tendency is intimacy. When men think about sex, it tends to be passionate, lusty and raw. It's sensitive too, but the impulse leans more towards the physical aspects.

Anatomically speaking, how we relate to sex could be part of our defense mechanism. If women tend to romanticize the situation more, they'll only want to share it with a certain person. She's the one who'll have to carry around a life for nine months if something were to impregnate her, after all. Men don't have to worry about that. But subconsciously speaking: men aren't insensitive. They aren't sex-driven hounds constantly lusting and needing satisfaction. And women aren't always sensitive, lovelorn, and all that shit. It's just a tendency, and tendencies aren't certainties.

Anyway, what I'm curious about is honestly how much of your time is spent thinking about sex or something related to it. Not whether you romanticize it or not, just outright think about it. In a percentage, say, everyday. To open the poll, I'll begin. I probably think about it 38% of the time. But it depends who I'm with, what the circumstances are and where the conversation is going. Heh. Sometimes it's more like 58-63 if I spend an entire day in the gutter with a group of silly people who think along my sexual wavelength. Hah.


Blogger tvpartytonight said...

Honestly, 12%-25%. Not often at all. It's not something that crosses my mind too often. Good post. You're one of the only girls I've met that actually realizes that guys don't think about sex every 3-5 seconds.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

I loved this post. I agree that guys dont think of it all the time. In fact, girls may think about it just as much, if not more.
As for myself.....hhmm....never really contemplated the thought before...about 60% i guess.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Nesska said...

'Bout 25%? I'm not a sex fiend, heh. :]

11:11 PM  
Blogger Civil Whisper said...

I'd say around 30-40%, and of course it depends who is around.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

Well Simone, i think we may be the biggest sex fiends out of our fellow bloggers. Cheers.

11:26 AM  

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