The Mighty Wall
I did a quick, shitty sketch of a rat-cheetah for the Mighty Wall.

It's located in the illustration wing at Sheridan. Since my artistic perspective has been nearly... non-existent, I decided yesterday that I need to start challenging myself or I won't succeed as an artist. So, along with the monthly mighty wall (which I will put more effort into next month) I'm setting myself weekly challenges. Yeah, this is on top of school assignments.

It says: November 25 - December 2 -draw a maple leaf in as many different versions as you possibly can, using only graphite as your medium; add or remove elements of the leaf -utilize different artistic styles (impressionism, realism, abstraction, etc) to create a unique version or representation of the leaf.
So far I've drawn a realistic leaf. We'll see how it goes, but I'm resolved to stick to it. Each week I'll post the results here.
oh! Thank you for the comment.
you have a really good background design in your blogspot. looks cool~ :D
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