Elementary Humor
After typing up a project for Christian Ethics, I indulged in elementary humor and sought out sexually connotative words in the dictionary while drinking Orange Mango Sparking Water beverage and eating chocolate chips.
sex·pot \'sek-,pät\ n : a sexually stimulating woman
mastoid, mas`toid, a. [Gr. mastos, breast, and oid] Resembling a nipple or breast; a process of projection of certain bones behind the ear.-mastoiditis, mas`toid·ī"tos;, n. An inflamation of the mastoid or the mastoid cells.
aphrodisiac, af·ro·diz`i·ak, a. [Gr. aphrodisios, aphrodisiakos, from Aphrodite, goddess of love.] Exciting venereal desire.-aphrodisiac, n. Food or a medicine exciting sexual desire.
lascivious, las·siv`i·us, a. [L. lasivia, lewdness, lascivus, wanton, allied to Skr. las, to embrace, lash, to desire, Gr. lilaiomai, to desire.] Wanton; lewd; lustful; exciting voluptuous emotions.
I'll update with more later, because I have too much time on my hands and somehow find philosophical amusement in all of this. Compliments go to The Marriam-Webster Dictionary (1974) and The Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language (year?)
Oh, thats what a sex-pot is..
My mom is going to have to talk to that babysitter she used to hire for me.
I like this constant blogging. Keep it up Arwen, you dirty little pervert. Gotten the phonecall from your man yet?
Sex-pot. I will have to use this in some day-to-day life scenario soon.
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