Scenic Route

Friday, December 09, 2005

What may I do for you?

I'm your apprentice, assassin, servant and right-hand man. Give me a task to complete and I will do it because you asked me to. Allot me payment you deem worthy of my performance. I will not pry. It's not my place to do so. I will not disobey. My lot in life is unconditional service. The career 'they' acknowledge is a facade. When you call it doesn't exist. I'll yield to you not for the sake of the money, the power or the accomplishments. As far as anyone is concerned, I'm not alive. So I am indifferent to my education, lover, friends and acquaintances. Food, sensuality and family exist outside of me. No loneliness tears at my heart, no yearnings, cravings or wants. I'm dull to the world because it is dull to me.

If life is allowed to pretend I am illusion and non-existent, I will thus treat it so. I do not exist. But don't be disillusioned. I'm not depressed; I'm your apprentice, assassin, servant and right-hand man. I'm simply dull to the world because it is dull to me.


Blogger Syxx said...

Sounds like this dull world is in the need of a pirate voyage to spice it up a bit.

6:20 AM  

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