Scenic Route

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Quest for God,

contradictorily, found in atheism?

While researching for proof that God did not exist for a Christian Ethics assignment a few weeks back, I came across, a website dedicated to atheists who express their opinions on the lack of existence of an Almighty Power. Despite the fact that I disagreed with many of the arguments, it's a very intellectual site and the forum is huge, with lots of interesting debate.

I believe in accepting what other people believe and not trying to convert people through fear. Instead I try to display it with my demeanor and actions. By being Christian, I try to inspire others, not make them uncomfortable. I also believe in learning as much as I can about Christianity so that I can grow in my faith. Reading through the various discussions refuting and defending God is a neat way to learn different people's perspectives and how it relates to you, so I'd recommend you visit the infidel forum, even if it's just for a glance. It's worth taking a look at.


Blogger tvpartytonight said...

I've dealt with enough online Christian debate already. It's tiring, and not really worthwhile, in my opinion. Its more enjoyable to have debate face to face. That way, you can't hide behind your screen.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

Christian Ethics, what a pointless class. I always feel that it eats away at my faith, because me teachers always seem to be trying to convert me to THEIR faith, not helping me strengthen MINE.

5:46 PM  

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