Scenic Route

Friday, November 12, 2004

Down the Block

"Down the block, not across the street!" Hey, I learned something new today. :D I didn't know the way to kill yourself with a razor blade was to go vertically instead of horizontally.

Now... 'don't be getting any ideas, EmoKids.
PS: Vanessa, I miss your writing. Please post. :(


Blogger Dingus said...

HOORAY! I'll enable anonymous persons to comment after I post this. I've been hoping to see you on AIM for the past few weeks. I don't doubt you're uber busy, but I'd still like to talk to you. Do you think you'll be available over the weekend sometime? I'll mostly be working during the day, but I'll be on in the mornings and possibly in patches during the night.

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elyse says:

I don't know...I'll try, but this term is going really bad for me grade-wise. ick. Saturday I'm going to re-take my written and then I'm baby-sitting 6-10. do you have msn? you're more likely to catch me there, actually.

12:46 AM  

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