Scenic Route

Monday, May 09, 2005

Wolf in the Basement

An enormous wolf spider, completely motionless, captivated me. I saw it on the wall. I ran to get a jar, the jar had a hole, the spider skuttled through and I made a restrained sound of distress before scurrying to grapple another jar. I made a hole for ventilation at the top, found the gigantic specimen again, and successfully usered it inside. Since I've put a little cap of water, two twigs and a bit of bark inside. When my mom brings the camera home, I'll show you my glorious prize.

I'll probably end up releasing it later, but I named him/her Harvey while s/he stays with me.

Edit: This isn't the best picture, but it's the best I could do for it being in a jar and all... so. Whatever.

Click for craptacular image.


Blogger Civil Whisper said...

Take him far away when you release him. Harvey is a jerk to me.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Dingus said...

Twigs are for more surface area. He had virtually no where to go and was just circling the jar trying to climb the glass. With the twigs there he's scaled them and hasn't attempted to climb the glass anymore.

I went outside and got him a beetle. I'm eagerly waiting for him to devour it. Well... napping in front of the jar is eager in my head.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Nesska said...

Do wolf spiders make webs? Or do they chase down their little insect meals-on-wheels?

7:00 PM  
Blogger tvpartytonight said...

Release Harvey onto Graham's body.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Dingus said...

Wolf spiders are out-and-about types. They don't wait for their prey, they seek it out. So I hope this rock-beetle will be found even though it's just sitting sessile under the bark. :\

7:50 PM  

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