Best. Sex. EVER.
My mom took me out to a show tonight. It fucking OWNED. It's too late and my keyboard is too loud for me to report much more than... I FUCKING LOVE GOGOL BORDELLO. (Set, sound, unity... SDFKAWELLACKFKDLFS!)
A taste until I have time to show you some'mo:

Next morning...
Ears: still ringing
Sense of wonderment: IN TACT.
My midterm is an hour from now. I have to get ready for the bus, so I'll deliver detailssss laterrrr m'dears. :}
Following afternoon...
So where to begin... heh. I hadn't heard of Gogol Bordello until my mom called yesterday afternoon and told me she was going to their show at Louis that night. I asked a few questions about them and decided to go. Gypsy punk? Sounds fun! IT FUCKING WAS! The first band played as a 'warm-up', a warm up in what way? Puking on my feet? It was hilarious. Mom butchered them the entire time they were on stage, muttering to me about how they sucked. Someone beside us yelled 'You rock!', she leaned over and laughed, 'Don't encourage them!' Oh mommy! You goosely one!
Then... Gogol Borrrrdello.

The two chicks in the band were hot. The music was GREAT. It's been ages since music has moved me so much that I become absorbed in it at a show. A little while ago I began to wonder why I even joined the music scene, but last night was like a personal resurrection. It was so envirogating! I was literally shaking when we left. I couldn't stop making excited grunting/squealing noises in the car on the way home. My mom and I have matching bunny hugs and we both bought CDs too. YAY!
I'm eating my heart out.
Johnner and I were going to go to that.. but I was being lame because I had a midterm friday. I regret studying.
Sweet gypsy rock is way more important.
I'm living vicariously through your stories and pictures.
I can't wait to listen to this cd with you next week when your break REALLY begins;)
Start wearing purple for me now. :)
You missed an awesome show. Jimmy Eat World eat your heart out, Gogol Bordello alone has the stamina to be the last band standing.
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