Max n' I.
I found an old picture of me from high school (grade ten/eleven?) where I'm holding Max. This made me really happy. See, I'll hold him and he'll go floppy and just hang like he lost all bone matter. It's as if I make him melt. Overall this picture brings back wonderful high school memories. I don't miss it, but I definitely had my share of fun back then and I'll never forget or regret it.

You have a beautiful mouth. Just thought you should know. I melt like this quite frequently. You should try it some time, it's very relaxing.
Look what i found! Hehehe!
We're both smiling with both sets! Holy crow, that makes my day! :D And thanks dear... strangely enough, I can see a difference in my mouth/jawline since then. I'm getting an adult's bone-structure. EW (just kidding, I'll be twenty soon and won't be able to make those derogatory remarks without being hypocritical).
Oh God, i hate pictures of me....way to go Niki, now i'm blushing because of the eccentric smile that is on my face...
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