Scenic Route

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


is just a façade. It's a practice participated by those who take personal delight in instigating appreciation or pleasure from other people. By definition it's for the sake of the person and the contributor receives nothing in return, but in truth their good feelings are derived from a swollen ego. We please others for the sake of ourselves, Alyx and gentlemen.

So I hope you all have a merry Valentines Day and February break. I positively heart every single one of you to bloody pieces.


Blogger tvpartytonight said...

What you're talking about is a theory that famous Jesuit Anthony de Mello wrote about in his book "Awareness."

8:04 AM  
Blogger Civil Whisper said...

Knock Knock... Who's there... Frank.... Frank who?

Frank you for being such a wonderful friend.

Wow. You are corny! :P Muchly appreciated though, I like it.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

You better, you got the best one!:) Simone, i heart you to pieces too babe. You make my day:)

10:40 PM  

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