Qualm: Atheism
Atheism. In reflection, I don't believe it should exist as a word or a view. Is that narrow-minded of me to say? I'm not attacking any atheists who may read this. I'm stating my point of view. Believe what you may, I won't try to convert or change you. You are who you are and believe what you do for valid reasons, so I highly respect you for that. Now then...
To be a better Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or Jew, you have to delve not only into the knowledge and perception of your own religion, you have to extend your research into other religions. Make connections, build bridges, notice similarities; respect and relate to the differences. Not only will it improve your own religious perspective, but also it will help you understand what you're worshipping better. As a Christian, you worship one God. True as that may be, there are millions of gods recognized by other cultures around the world. It's difficult for me to conceive of how someone can be atheist after recognizing that within all the different religions, there is an Almighty force. It may not be a god, but whatever it is it unifies, creates and establishes order. It is there, whatever it is. Otherwise, all religions wouldn't share this one integral characteristic. Four thousand years ago, people knew this. Four thousand years later, people still acknowledge it.
Deny it as much as you may; there had to be something (or multiple things) that created earth. Logically, yes, we may have evolved from chemical compounds reacting to produce organic substance. But how did the universe, our non-living chemically saturated earth, everything, come into existence if not through a 'force'? It may not be a 'god' so to speak, it could've been something like Brahman in Jainism and Buddhism; a living force that unifies existence and establishes order through the life and death cycle.
As human beings, comprehensive and analytical, we crave purpose. There isn't a single person alive who can claim they don't desire purpose. How can someone, as an atheist, still claim that whatever purpose they have, brings contentment? Someone who can't acknowledge the fact that something is beyond our ability to understand? Without an origin, we flounder and don't understand how to achieve a destination. If we don't at least have an explanation of how we came into being, how can we live and be content with our lives; live happily until we die?
We aren't all-knowing. We are the most intelligent creatures on Earth, but our knowledge doesn't encompass everything. We're still learning. As long as humans exist, they'll learn new things. But we didn't create the world. Something(s) else did. We can't know that something else didn't. No scientific method can ever reveal that. So, that's why atheism, as a word with a definition, shouldn't exist.
Debunking the Liberal Monopoly on Goodness
Here is a quote that I find objectionable from Arianna Huffington in The Huffington Post : If this is what integrity looks like, let's bring back Oval Office **** jobs.
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In my opinion, Athiests are MOSTLY people who are too lazy to study religion and evolution in order to figure out what they believe. They don't like the work they put in, so they made up a word to make them still sound smart and not lazy. Ha.
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