Does matter really matter?

knuckles ache.
heart belches puss and mucous.
orange sunrise bleeds blue into the sky.
every broken blood vessel screams its sore story.
there you are, little sun. little burning blemish
scalding the orange skin of the sky.
hi. how can you be so undescriminating?
your heart is too unprejudiced.
you shouldn't.
you shouldn't like me at my worst
you shouldn't let me be my worst
too bad i ache too much to breathe.
heart belches puss and mucous.
i thought i saw the sunrise.
wait, no, it was just an epiphany.
did you know we're actually crazy?
heart belches puss and mucous.
orange sunrise bleeds blue into the sky.
every broken blood vessel screams its sore story.
there you are, little sun. little burning blemish
scalding the orange skin of the sky.
hi. how can you be so undescriminating?
your heart is too unprejudiced.
you shouldn't.
you shouldn't like me at my worst
you shouldn't let me be my worst
too bad i ache too much to breathe.
heart belches puss and mucous.
i thought i saw the sunrise.
wait, no, it was just an epiphany.
did you know we're actually crazy?
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