Sheridan (my dream).
See that tiny little red-highlighted area? That's a place called Oakville. It's far away from Saskatoon. But by this time next year, I hope to be in at the Trafalgar residence by the Trafalgar campus that contains the school of animation arts and design, likely curling up with a good book on my very own rented bed. I will be tired, because I spent a long day in the city doing something of valued importance; maybe completing an out-of-home assignment, getting food, doing laundry, or using the valuable transit services to visit Lake Ontario (as polluted as it is, I'm sure it's beautiful). Or maybe a couple hours earlier I was at the athletics and recreation department, doing yoga or working out in the cardio room. I could have been visiting some nearby area with a couple friends, chewing gum, or laughing at some kid who was picking their nose in public. But either way, I'd be tired and in bed by now. Because by this time next year, I will likely have spent all of my energy in an eventful day. I will go to bed early because it'll be my time to use as profittably as I see fit, and I will want to be well-rested so that my week of classes this coming week will be just as well-spent as the last.

This post makes me sad, but i am so VERY excited for you!!! Much love!!
My heart will explode for you when you are accepted, because I know how much you want this.
You make moving to a new city sound like fun! ...For me, it was for the first few weeks. Then it's just life. Sure it's different... But I adapted quickly. It's more fun than Saskatoon, I would imagine.
Residence is also a LOT of fun. Or it could be. On the PersonalTraits form or whatever (the sheet that they look at to try and pair you with someone in common)make sure you think really wisely about it. I ended up with the shittiest roommate ever. I selected "punk" as my music of choice. Because that is the closest thing to the music I listen to, I suppose. BIG MISTAKE. Personally, I would have rather not filled one out, so that it would be random. I don't like having to compete with amplifiers and speakers just so I can practice bass. I would rather have a random person who is taking science or something like that. Because people in common suck. I wouldn't want a roommate like me. That would make meeting the person actually exciting, as opposed to: "So what do you do? Oh? Me too. Hm." And now what do you talk about. ...I'm bitching and venting. Heh. Sorry. I'm done.
Just becareful when filling that sheet out.
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